You have probably heard the story about the people of Israel leaving Egypt and the bounds of slavery. Moses divided the sea so that the people could escape the egypt army that was following them. When the israelies had crossed the see, G-d wanted to spare the egyptian soldiers, but the angel Micha-El showed G-d how the egyptians had oppressed the children of Israel. Then G-d let the water fall over the soldiers. The angels rejoyced, but G-d said to them: "Why are you singing and rejoysing, many of my children died here today." The angels stood quiet, and then asked G-d: "But why did You let the sea fall upon the egyptians?" G-d replied: "Because I had to send a message to all the people of the world. Sometimes mercy has to stand back for righteousness, and bad acts has to suffer their punishment. My children also has to bring forth justice and punish the criminal acts. But never with rejoyce, but with a heavy heart, as for the ones that weeps over their children."
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