The legend says King Solomon searched the world for a treasure, an item that would help him cure the sad ones in his kingdom and to the joyful ones bring wisdom to appreciate their joy to it's fullest while they had it. What he found was a plain silver ring, with only three hebrew letters ingraved; Gimel Zayin Yod. The three letters wich began the words of the phrase Gam Zeh Ya'avor - This Too Shall Pass.

fredag 1 januari 2010

The abode of G-d

My grandmother told me that when she was young, she'd heard the story about Rabbi Mendel of Kozk who had invited the important men of the city to dinner. They all had a nice meal and the conversation lead into a discussion about G-d. After a while, suddenly Rabbi Mendel interupted the conversation: "My guest" he said, "I have for a while now listened to you talking about G-d, about His greatness, His mightyness, and His wisdom. But tell me kindly now, where does G-d live?"
The guests twisted and turned in their seats and looked confused at eachother. What was their host up to? One of the men raised his voice. "Rabbi Mendel, you are a wise person, perhaps the wisest among us all. You know as well as us, that G-d does not live in a house built of men. The world is nothing but a footstool for His majesty, and the heaven, nor the heaven of the heaven can hold Him."
Rabbi Mendel raised his finger in the air and answered his own question: "G-d lives where He's invited..."

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