fredag 1 januari 2010
Israel Baal Shem Tov
The beloved Israel Baal Shem Tov (5458-5520 / 1698-1760), the founder of the chassid movement, said many wise things about the inner relation to G-d, some to be found in the works Shivki ha Bascht, Keter Shem Tov and Tzevaat ha Ribasch. About the relation beween G-d and man he said:
G-d is the shadow of man, just like the shadow follows the movement of the body, so does G-d following the movement of the human soul. If a person is mercyful, so is G-d. The mystery of man is called G-d. And G-d's secret owns a name created by man: Love. The one that shows love, G-d shows love.
You can not love G-d without loving what G-d has created around us. Only through mankind and the creation we can show our love to G-d. And through mankind, G-d speaks to us in a very direct way.
Your neighbour is your mirror. If your face is clean, you will see purity in your neighbour. But if you look at your neighbour and see imperfection, then it's your own imperfection you are facing. G-d is showing what you have to correct in your own being.
Each and everything you see and hear, is an instruction to you concerning what you have to do in your service to G-d.
A person came to Baal Shem Tov and asked what the chassidic movement was. He replied:
"Have you heard about the blacksmith that wanted to start his own bussiness? He bought an anvil, a hammer and a pair of bellows and started to work. But it was in vain. The smithy wouldn't come to life. He asked around among older collegues and got the answer. 'You have everything you need, except the fire.'
This is what the chassidic movement is; it's the fire."
The message of the Holy Scripture
A wise man came to a village and sat down by a water fountain at the square, and many people gathered around him to ask him questions. A young man, one of the local jokers, thought he would pull a trick on the wise man, and said to him: "I will follow the path of G-d, if G-d can make me stand on one leg here at the square and recite the message of the Holy Scripture."
Some people laught and some people was disturbed by this young man's disrespctful behaviour, but the wise man said to him. "Where do you live, young man?" "I live in the house next to the blacksmith" the joker replied, a bit confused.
"Good" said the wise man. "Now go home and sleep, and meet me here tomorrow."
The same night, the wise man picked up a piece of charcoal from the blacksmiths garden and sneaked in to the jokers house. Then he went back to the square and rested for a while.
The next day the square was filled with people, since everyone had heard the news about the joker and his challange of the wise man. After a while, the joker showed up.
"So, old man" he said and laughed. "Let us see the mighty of your G-d. Can your G-d make me stand on one leg and recite the message of the Holy Scripture? If so, I will follow the path of your G-d"
The wise man scratched his beard and said: "Take of you left shoe, young man." The young man took of his left shoe. "Now read me what it says on the sole of your foot." The young man looked under his left foot, and with charcoal it was written the word for LOVE". The joker looked at the wise man and said "Love".
"That is the message of the Holy Scripture" the wise man said. The rest is just commentaries. Now begin following the path of G-d, by reading those commentaries."
The way out of Egypt
You have probably heard the story about the people of Israel leaving Egypt and the bounds of slavery. Moses divided the sea so that the people could escape the egypt army that was following them. When the israelies had crossed the see, G-d wanted to spare the egyptian soldiers, but the angel Micha-El showed G-d how the egyptians had oppressed the children of Israel. Then G-d let the water fall over the soldiers. The angels rejoyced, but G-d said to them: "Why are you singing and rejoysing, many of my children died here today." The angels stood quiet, and then asked G-d: "But why did You let the sea fall upon the egyptians?" G-d replied: "Because I had to send a message to all the people of the world. Sometimes mercy has to stand back for righteousness, and bad acts has to suffer their punishment. My children also has to bring forth justice and punish the criminal acts. But never with rejoyce, but with a heavy heart, as for the ones that weeps over their children."
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The abode of G-d
My grandmother told me that when she was young, she'd heard the story about Rabbi Mendel of Kozk who had invited the important men of the city to dinner. They all had a nice meal and the conversation lead into a discussion about G-d. After a while, suddenly Rabbi Mendel interupted the conversation: "My guest" he said, "I have for a while now listened to you talking about G-d, about His greatness, His mightyness, and His wisdom. But tell me kindly now, where does G-d live?"
The guests twisted and turned in their seats and looked confused at eachother. What was their host up to? One of the men raised his voice. "Rabbi Mendel, you are a wise person, perhaps the wisest among us all. You know as well as us, that G-d does not live in a house built of men. The world is nothing but a footstool for His majesty, and the heaven, nor the heaven of the heaven can hold Him."
Rabbi Mendel raised his finger in the air and answered his own question: "G-d lives where He's invited..."
The guests twisted and turned in their seats and looked confused at eachother. What was their host up to? One of the men raised his voice. "Rabbi Mendel, you are a wise person, perhaps the wisest among us all. You know as well as us, that G-d does not live in a house built of men. The world is nothing but a footstool for His majesty, and the heaven, nor the heaven of the heaven can hold Him."
Rabbi Mendel raised his finger in the air and answered his own question: "G-d lives where He's invited..."
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